Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Remove Marker from Shape Elements in Inkscape

There's a known bug in Inkscape that prevents removing special markers from the start and end points of a polygon element.

  • Select a line, circle/ellipse, or a polygon object
  • Apply a stroke in the Stroke paint tab on the Fill and Stroke dialog
  • Navigate to the Stroke style tab and select an Start/Mid/End marker

I'm making a diagram with a number of line elements that I wanted to be displayed with arrow heads.

I know there are settings that let you use the last style as the default for new elements so you don't have to copy and paste the formatting to additional objects. Somewhere along the way, I think my line markers got applied to my polygon elements. Now I have weird arrow heads at the start/end point of my shape, which is absolutely not acceptable.

Rather than duplicating existing shapes to try find a clean element to resolve this, use the XML Editor to edit the element's properties to get rid of those arrowheads entirely. Using the XML Editor will allow you to edit existing elements without having to re-create the design from scratch each time.

  • Select the object
  • Navigate to Edit > XML Editor or launch it from the shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+X
  • With the graphic object selected in the list at the top of the editor, click on the style element to begin editing it's style attributes
  • Select and remove the marker-start; & marker-end; attributes. Ensure that you didn't remove too many- or leave any extra semicolon characters (;) as each attribute will be separated by one semicolon 
  • Click the check ✅ to apply the edits

Additional shapes may still have unwanted arrow markers, so clean up and restart the project.
  • Choose File > Clean Up Document
  • Save the project
  • Close and re-open Inkscape

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