Monday, July 13, 2009

Website Ideas: FML-Style Web Sites

In the style of FML and TFLN, where users submit short, text based hilarity, I'd like to build three web sites.

One is dedicated solely to "That's what she said" opportunities from inappropriate situations. As much as I would like to shout it across a meeting with my division director, or at my roommate's mother when she walks into a giant bucket of hilarity, I'm often bound to a puritanically imposed sense of of tact.

The second is simply a compilation of quasi-believable erroneous facts. For instance, skin is actually an acronym for its composing elements: Sodium Potassium Iron & Nitrogen. The human body contains exactly 100 bones (101 if you count the skull). Fire ants prefer hickory BBQ sauce. Pi is exactly 3. That sort of thing. See Look Around You.

In an xkcd stylee of nerdiness, the last is a site dedicated to user-submitted equations, algorithms, functions, statistical inferences, etc. that model everyday occurrences or nuisances. For instance, Matt's First Law of Mexican Restaurants states that "The quality of cuisine at a Mexican restaurant is inversely proportional to the cleanliness of its bathrooms," or my postulation that "the likelihood of vegetarian options existing on a given menu decreases as the number of televisions at a restaurant increase." Yeah, statistics jokes are GOLD these days. Also, jokes involving computer programming/coding or diagrams (chemical, physical, electrical, etc.) are fair game. OpenWetWare has a cool santax for creating diagrams.

I created new blog called Unnecessary Modeling. For now I'm using the graph builder at GraphJam for my templates, but they're not showing up as well as they could, so I might switch over to Google Docs soon.

These are not really that great but I would like to learn basic web based database management programming. I love LAMP!

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