Water resources are challenging to model in a geographic information system because these features are often so temporally variable. John P. Wilson, et al. discuss in the article, “Water Resource Applications of Geographic Information Systems” many methods of water resource management and assessment. Often, these topics reiterate the relation of data sharing with the increasing level of technology. These advancements allow a greater number of less professionally trained individuals to contribute what can possibly be high quality data with a varying degree of uncertainty. For this reason, future technology will need to incorporate these individuals’ level of training and geographic and scientific understanding into the framework of tool building. Thus interfaces for using such tools must be created to suit a wide audience efficiently. Otherwise, difficulty in using technology directly translates to uncertainty. Scale is addressed often as well when reviewing other issues ranging from the integration of spatial data acquisition technology to data sharing practices.
Primarily, it is stressed that raster grid resolution selection should attempt to match the size of the smallest features that are being modeled. Accuracy of these resources is quickly degraded due to excess aggregation of topographic features. Generalization in this regard minimizes the number possibilities of variation for a given area where a smaller stream feature, for instance, could exist in reality. Using a raster resolution of 30 meters rather than the 2-10 meter resolutions suggested by several studies mentioned easily smoothes over smaller changes in topography. Further, a 30 meter cell size yields only 21% - 30% of correct slope gradients. However, if only larger (major) features are required to be analyzed or communicated, 30 meter resolution can sometimes be quite sufficient.
Many water resource applications are GIS-based. The National Hydrography Dataset is a prime example of how to digitally store and communicate a hydrologic network by logically displaying geographic information with its organizational and descriptive parameters embedded within in a GIS environment. An example of temporal water quality monitoring is the Florida DEP's Watershed Monitoring program and EPA & FDEP’s STORET (“STOrage and RETrieval” database) program, where water quality data from across the state of Florida is collected, managed in databases, and can be served internally or publicly via internet mapping service, while being provided to in-house personnel for GIS analysis via ArcSDE & ArcGIS Server. Advancements in technology such as these increase the dissemination of information to a growing number of skilled as well as improperly trained stewards and contributors of information. Increased availability must be mirrored by an increased accounting of data collection information in the form of metadata to ensure reliability. A method of controlling uncertainty for every step of data collection is currently available by reporting appropriate metadata parameters prior to distribution of any data. Although this information is mainly included on official final-drafts of published datasets, more can be done deeper within an organization to include metadata to aide in the quality assurance of final versions of disseminated data.
Overall, it will be important to develop efficient models of water resources that can be used by an audience with contrasting degrees of familiarity with geographic information. By conducting further research on the most effective way to properly incorporate data with varying degrees of uncertainty, as well as investigating the most efficient scales at which modeling hydrologic networks should take place, the GIS community can continue to accurately model water resources in the future.
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