The Raptographic Combined Hyperpseudocylindriconic Projection has a false easting and northing are applied to adjust the planimetric origin to be located 120 miles (190km) off the western coast of Costa Rica, over the raptor pit on Isla Nublar. This is an appropriate projection for the shallow southeastern portion of the Cocos tectonic plate; the bathymetry of which looks very much like the profile of a calculating and hungry velociraptor (Search Google Maps for the coordinates
5.534001, -87.065021 / see map inset below).
This projection minimizes distortion and preserves distance along each parallel, however both distance and direction are significantly skewed beyond its boundaries suggesting that velociraptors exhibit an advanced sense of geographic comprehension, however they are largely unconcerned with the world beyond their own... for now.
[Bathymetry appears to resemble a hidden raptor: View Larger Map]